What is resilience?

If anything is clear in life it is that “shit happens. Sooner or later, big or small, expected or unexpected: we all get shit on our plate from time to time. This is not only true for you personally, but also for organizations. An overstrained labor market with a war for talent, an uncertain economy with skyrocketing inflation, the highest rate of absenteeism ever recorded … and there are a few more challenges we can add to the list that organizations face today.
Are we going to fix all this for you? No. Unfortunately. However, we will give you the answer on how to deal with it. The answer lies with Resilience.

Resilience is the ability to adapt to new situations and be able to bounce back after setbacks.

So it’s not about what happens, but how you deal with it. A good portion of resilience can be put to good use not only in adversity, but also in change in general. Because if one thing is clear in life, it is that change is the only constant. Whether that change is digitalization, sustainability or creating a diverse and inclusive work environment, it will come to you no matter what. And fast!

The more resilient your organization, the better your organization can handle setbacks and change, the faster and easier your organization will move forward. By focusing on resilience, organizations maintain control over the future. A resilient organization is flexible, embraces challenges and overcomes them. It keeps teams on their toes, ensures opportunities are spotted and seized faster.

How do you become resilient?

Roughly speaking, 50% of the degree of resilience a person possesses is innate and only 10% depends on the circumstances and/or situation you are in. And good news, the other 40% can be learned! So the beauty of resilience is that it is not simply a matter of “you are or you are not. You have an impact on how resilient you are as a person, how resilient your employees are AND on how resilient the organization is. Resilience is like a muscle you can train!